Weardale Adventure Centre
A group of Year 8 students had a freezing, but excellent day at Weardale Adventure Centre on Tuesday.
Students tackled various high rope courses, worked as a team, and encouraged and supported each other thoughout!
Students used a range of key skills to climb Jacob's ladder and the leap of faith.
After a lovely home-cooked pasta bake, garlic bread and sponge cake for lunch they were back at it.
The afternoon consisted of multiple games of archery tag.
This is a sport similar to dodgeball and paintball, played with bows and arrows tipped with foam.
Students were made up of 2 teams:
‘Langdale for Life’ and ‘Handley’s Heros’
Mr Handley and Mrs Langdale were slightly competitive, as their teams found out!
Everyone soon warmed up with lots of running around, tactical hiding and great communication skills to take down the opponent's team.