What school governors do
School governors work closely with the headteacher and other members of school staff.
The headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school and all operational matters. The school’s governors have a strategic role, but hold the headteacher to account for how they run the school.
The role of Ferryhill School Governors is to challenge and support the school to continue to improve. The school is made up of 14 members of our community. The Full Governing Body meets once per term, but in addition to this the school hosts an additional meeting each half term for Curriculum & Personnel and Finance & Premises. Individual governors are appointed by the Full Governing Body. Where the school receives multiple applications a vote will be arranged, appropriate to the post followed by ratification by the Full Governing Body.
Appointment of Governors
Governors join the school through a variety of mechanisms, which include for example, being co-opted, or being elected. Schools pass this initial recommendation to the Trust Board. It is the duty of the Trust Board to formally agree this selection and to formally appoint all governors.
The Eden Learning Trust
The governing body is also part of the Eden Learning Trust, our parent Academy trust. For further information please contact Mrs Forster through the school.
Curriculum & Personnel Committee
The role of this committee is wide ranging but has an overall duty to challenge and support the school to achieve high standards of provision both in terms of attainment and pupil progress from starting points as well as high levels of care towards our young people.
The committee examine pupil progress across a number of different pupil groups. A particular focus of the group is however, is to challenge and support with regard to pupils who are Disadvantaged, Looked After, More Able as well as those students who arrive at Ferryhill School from primary school who are not ‘secondary ready’. The committee will also have a particular focus on the EBacc subjects over the forthcoming year.
Finance & Premises
The role of this committee is to challenge and support the school with regard to reaching best value and efficient spending of the school funds, both to maximise student progress and to improve the school environment. The committee also have a sub-committee which considers salaries of staff.
Other Committees
The school also convenes 3 other committees as and when the need arises. These include Pupil Discipline, Staffing and Staffing Appeals and Headteacher’s Performance Management.
Our Chair Of Governors is Rev Keith Lumsdon who can be contacted by using the school address. (Ferryhill School, Merrington Road, Ferryhill, County Durham, DL17 8RW).