Welcome to Our School
Let’s Introduce Ourselves
“A creative education has the power to catapult children into a lifetime of curiosity.”
— Miss Anderson - Deputy Head, Teaching and Learning
Our Values and Ethos
At Ferryhill School young people, and their parents, can expect to receive a high quality education that aims to 'inspire learners to succeed as enterprising individuals'. We look to blend the traditional standards of good behaviour, regular and punctual attendance, positive attitude to learning with the most modern resources, innovative practice and teaching towards challenging targets.
We work closely with students and their parents, listening to and addressing needs, raising expectations, confidence and self-esteem. We believe strongly in "Achievement for all students" regardless of background or ability. We want the very best for the students in our care and as a college and community we are making great progress - In our last Ofsted inspection where we were graded as GOOD with many OUTSTANDING features and have recently been nominated for a Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Award for outstanding progress. In the past 2 years almost every subject in the school has posted record GCSE examination results and government reports tell us that we are achieving in the top 7% of all schools in England. We have recently been included in the Top 100 schools in England
Other quality awards achieved include (amongst many), International Schools Award 2014-17, Healthy Schools Award, Anti Bullying Accreditation and Investors in Children status
The opinions of our parents are students are important to us. Our Student Leaders at Ferryhill School are involved in many aspects of school life including fundraising, school meals and staff selection . Much talent and effort focus on ensuring that students are safe, healthy and ready to learn. Our commitment to their welfare is also recognised by the Healthy Schools Award and Durham LA Anti-bullying accreditation. Our parent surveys are widely completed and parents have a positive view of the school.
We are truly inclusive - everyone counts. We aim to meet the needs of all pupils, we celebrate our diversity and we’re proud to hold the Rainbow Flag Award for our commitment to LGBT inclusion. As an organisation that values all staff we also try to ensure that staff continue to learn and are deployed to best effect. Many staff are involved in additional study and work to improve their qualifications.
We are also extending our partnerships to enhance opportunities to learn with and from others. We have extensive links with other secondary schools locally and nationally and internationally and we look forward to receiving guests from across the globe for our continuing international projects.
We think that Ferryhill School is an exciting place to be - we welcome visitors to the school, to see us when we are at our best, when working with our students. Education is a learning adventure and we hope that you and your child we choose to take this important journey with us.
Mr K Brennan

Striving for the best
No one is left behind at Ferryhill