What is bullying behaviour?
The repeated negative use of speech, sign language or verbal gestures to intentionally hurt others.
Hurtful words, offensive language, swearing, discriminatory language.
The repeated negative use of actions, which are neither physical or nor verbal, to intentionally hurt others.
Isolating someone, rumours, sharing someone’s secrets, cyber-bullying, damaging/taking someone’s property, physical intimidation.
The repeated negative use of body contact to intentionally hurt others.
Hurting someone intentionally, kicking, punching, pinching, spitting, slapping.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
Our school Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will be identifiable by the Anti-Bullying Badge they wear. You will also be able to find them on our school's Anti-Bullying notice board.
We have a drop-in in room 30 (next to the staff room) on Mondays at break time. If you want to speak to our trained ambassadors, we will be happy to try to help you.
We also have an email bullying@ferryhill.school
You can use this to report bullying, or if you see someone being bullied and want us to know about it. Only school email addresses can email this account.