Need Help with Anything?
You’ve come to the right place
Need help with something but not sure who to ask?

Out of School Help (Nights and Holidays)
If you are suffering harm or feel unsafe outside school hours, such as nights, weekends or school holidays, you can email our dedicated safeguarding support email address help{at}ferryhill.school (replace (at) with @) This will be picked up by our safeguarding team who will try and help. The email is checked daily between 8am-5pm.

In School Help (Who to ask for help)
Student suffering harm or is unsafe - see your Learning Co-ordinator, Miss Bowden, Ms McCluskey or Mr Brennan
Bullying - Anti-Bullying Team, see your tutor, your Learning Co-ordinator, school counsellor, Miss Bowden, Ms McCluskey or Mr Brennan
Homework - see your class teacher, or Learning Co-ordinator
Careers advice, including applying for college or apprenticeships - see Miss Hanson or your Learning Co-ordinator
Friendship problems - See your Learning Co-ordinator, or Lynsey School Counsellor
Academic questions including option choices - see your Learning Co-ordinator, Miss Gibson, or a Director of Learning
Internet Safety - see your Learning Co-ordinator or Miss Bowden
Radicalisation - see Mr Brennan or Ms McCluskey
Lesbian, Gay, Bi sexual or Transsexual Advice - see Miss Bowden Miss Anderson or Miss Hanson
Sexual Harassment - (using rude or inappropriate words or images to cause upset) - see your tutor, Learning Co-ordinator, Miss Bowden, Ms McCluskey or Mr Brennan
Young Carer – Please speak to Ms McCluskey, Miss Bowden or Mrs Todd
Computer Trouble - Speak to your classroom teacher or ask Mr Webb (School IT Issues only)

In School Counselling Service
If you are experiencing difficulties in your life and you would like someone to talk to in confidence then you can speak with someone that can help, please use the button below

National Help
First Contact Durham - 03000 267979 (If you are concerned about the safety/welfare of a child or adult in County Durham)
Childline - 0800 1111
Childline Counsellor - Google Childline 1-2-1 chat

Internet / Social Media Help
Please visit our Stay Safe Online Section for information and advice

Educate Against Hate
Information from the Government on how to protect/educate people against extremism and radicalisation.