Year 7 Rewards Assembly

On Tuesday the 19th of July we got to celebrate the hard work and dedication that our School Sport Leaders and Sporting Performers have put in this last academic year.

Our School Sport Leaders have helped out at many events ranging from netball tournaments, athletics events and the Dash, where they have assisted PE apprentices, Go Well staff and worked with us - FBEC staff! They’ve continued to show maturity, initiative and independence throughout and have acted with great creativity, integrity and excellence. There are big plans for our Sport Leaders next year so watch this space!

There were also 2 special Sport Performer awards which were presented to individuals who have stood out as fantastic sports people this year.

Firstly, Freyja H who has been a member of all teams this year. Freyja has contributed greatly to all teams, providing consistency in all she does. In and out of school, she is dedicated to bettering herself and I have seen a great improvement in her sporting ability. She is also an asset to our Sports Leadership team, showing great confidence when working with the primary schools. Well done Freyja, keep it up!

Secondly, Romilly S who has also been a member of all teams. Romilly has proved herself to be a key member of teams, stepping up to the mark as she captained the girls cricket team to victory in the district tournament. Not only can she lead a team but has also displayed some fantastic sporting ability from hatricks in football to catching and bowling batters out in cricket. I look forward to what the future holds, well done Romilly!

I am very proud of what the students have achieved this year. From an unsettled ending to their primary school experience and to then be pushed in at the deep end in starting Year 7, they have all taken it in their stride and have shown that they can achieve anything. Well done Year 7!


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7 A Side Football