Parental Survey - Year 9

(Taken April 2024)

Parents of Year 9 Students - Taken April 2024

Here at FBEC, we regularly ask our parents what they think of our school through the use of online surveys, carried out at parents evenings.

These results are from a survey of 37 parents/guardians.

Results show positive answers in the form of percentage eg. 100% would mean everyone had answered 'Strongly Agree' or 'Agree' on the questionnaire.

My child enjoys school? - 83%

The school keeps my child safe - 95%

The school informs me about my child's progress - 95%

My child is making enough progress at this school - 89%

The teaching is good at this school - 95%

The school helps me to support my child's learning - 86%

The school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle - 76%

The school makes sure that my child is well prepared for the future - 90%

The school meets my child's particular needs - 89%

The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour - 89%

The school takes account of my suggestions and concerns - 76%

The school is led and managed effectively - 97%

Overall, I am happy with my child's experience at this school - 95%