Year 10 Visit to SWDT

On Monday 26th February, Engineering students in Year 10 visited South West Durham Training to see the facilities and courses available. The group are currently studying NCFE Level 1 & 2 Technical Award in Engineering.
The course is designed for students who want an introduction to engineering that includes a vocational and project-based element. The trip was planned to complement current learning and give Ferryhill students a chance to discuss further study and local employment opportunities.
The students were introduced to plasma cutters, milling machines, CNC machines, metal lathes, injection moulding, robotic arms, welding bays and metal work areas. Students could also view
computer suites for CAD design, areas for bespoke hydraulics and pneumatics as well as ‘real life’ plumbing and electrician scenarios.
Miss Sherwood and Mrs Hobson were very impressed by the engineering students who engaged well on the tour and asked lots of questions. There are vast opportunities in the local area for those with an interest in engineering as a career. Miss Sherwood.